Monday, May 31, 2010

Website traffic evaluation, using website tracking tools

In his 6th instructional series segment, Matt Buchenau, President of 5Weight Internet Marketing, leader among web page consultants and expert at analyzing web traffic using website analyzing tools, shows how to use Google Analytics' free web page statistics to reveal simple but valuable insight about how your  company should be anayzing website visitor traffic.  Utilizing website tracking tools like Google Analytics for strategic website analysis is critical to any small business' success  and to anyone involved in pursuing the life of their dreams. This segment covers how to access and track a few lesser known but just as key data tidbits and how to use "peak comparison analysis" to keep advertising costs in check.

Also, if you like short stories, please be sure to visit my other blog at

Sunday, May 30, 2010

"Brain Pollution": Undermining Small Business Success

Delivered by leading small business consultant and internet marketing expert, Matt Buchenau, this video helps you understand "brain pollution" and how it undermines the success of many home business marketing systems. This video might also motivate you to find yourself finally daring to live your dream and may help you reinvigorate your outlook on how truly possible that outcome really is in the new economy.

Also, if you like short stories, please be sure to visit my other blog at

Finding Courage for Small Business Success

Delivered by leading small business consultant and internet marketing expert, Matt Buchenau, this video gives you four different portraits of courage that you as a small business owner can look to to help you draw courage as you progress to the life your new venture will help you achieve.  This video might also motivate you to find yourself daring to live your dream and may help you reinvigorate your outlook on life.

Also, if you like short stories, please be sure to visit my other blog at

Saturday, May 29, 2010

website traffic evaluation, using website tracking tools

In his 5th instructional series segment, Matt Buchenau, President of 5Weight Internet Marketing, leader among web page consultants and expert at analyzing web traffic using website analyzing tools, shows how to use Google Analytics' free web page statistics to reveal simple but valuable insight about how your  company should be anayzing website visitor traffic.  Utilizing website tracking tools like Google Analytics for strategic website analysis is critical to any small business' success  and to anyone involved in pursuing the life of their dreams. This segment covers how to use and understand Google Analytics' visitor geography tools.

Also, if you like short stories, please be sure to visit my other blog at

Monday, May 24, 2010

Becoming a Risk Taker, Assessing Your Personal Risk Tolerance

Are you longing to follow your dreams? If so, you might need to consider becoming a risk taker.  When daring to live your dreams, the decison often starts with assessing your personal risk tolerance and or going through the process of assessing small business risk. Delivered by leading small business consultant and internet marketing expert, Matt Buchenau, this video uses a fun visual analogy to help you in the process of discovering your risk tolerance.  This video might motivate you to find yourself daring to live your dream and may help you reinvigorate your outlook on life. Buchenau also invites you to investigate a powerful and honest global web marketing education platform that is designed to help you bridge the gap between the mediocre life you may be living now and the life you picture in your dreams.

Also, if you like short stories, please be sure to visit my other blog at