Wednesday, May 27, 2009

All A’Twitter About Twitter - Social Media Simplified

Like most everyone in Colorado, I’ve been glued to the NBA playoffs and our Denver Nuggets for the first time in a long time. Amid the dramatics, I’ve noticed something you may not have: the Orlando Magic play in the Amway Center, a major sports arena with naming rights owned by a consumer products conglomerate built entirely through social networking. So when I get questions about the importance of social media, including the blogosphere and sites like Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter, it’s easy to distill these seemingly vague and esoteric websites into one short marketing phrase: geometric message extension.

Once you have that idea under your belt, other nagging issues crop up. The one I hear most often is, “I don’t get it.” My answer, is that you don’t have to. You’re caught up in questions that don’t need answers. Yes, many people are actively involved in online social networking, each with varying levels of expertise. Yes, many are not your teenagers. Yes, many are older, affluent and business-minded. Yes, business connections can and are being made. No, it’s not going away anytime soon. Embrace these facts, put aside your encumbering desire to understand how these sites work and just start by getting started.

Which brings up the next question: “How do I get started?” I admit it, I’m supposed to be an Internet marketing expert; a guy who should just know how to do these things, right? Yep, I asked my teenage daughter to show me. I gathered my courage, leapt past my desire to understand and my fear of putting myself out there and did it. Now, as time permits, I’m actively networking on Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter--three’s enough for now--and learning more every day. Start with opening an account on Linkedin ( or Facebook ( Upload a picture, fill in a few boxes, click a thing or two and off you go. Dabble. Connect with a few old friends or business associates, learn from others and watch your networks grow.

Last question? “Who has the time?” Answer: No one, except, pretty soon, everyone. I remember wondering how email would ever take. Why would someone write when they could simply call? Well, there you go. Lesson learned.

The crux of what you need to know about social media? It’s simply a method of extending yourself, your company message or your product offerings to a network of people you know directly or connect to through their acquaintances. It’s exactly how Amway became so phenomenally successful. Take the leap. It’s easier than you think.

Also, if you like short stories, please be sure to visit my other blog at